So I didn't win NaNoWriMo this year. And that's okay. Because I still learned a lot, and gained a lot.
I reached 35k. So I came about 15k short. But I'm not upset. Sure, I didn't officially win, but I think that I won anyway. Of course, this may all sound like some desperate excuse for why I didn't make it to 50k. But I really am proud of myself. After all, this is my second year of NaNoWriMo, but it's the first year that I actually tried. And I gained a lot!
For one, I learned that when I put my mind to it, I can write 5k a day, two days in a row! That's a pretty substantial amount, if I do say so myself.
For another, although I didn't write 50k, I still got a lot done. And I learned how to push/kick/shove/otherwise force my way through several writer's blocks.
I also learned that I should really make at least a rough outline of what I'm going to write before I start, but that's another story *shifty eyes*.
And besides, isn't NaNo all about writing, not necessarily winning?
"It's a contest, stupid," I hear the voices crying out, "of course it's about winning."
To which I reply, there's always next year. And also Camp NaNo. And this time I'm making an outline!
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